Shifting the focus: Short to long-term

Shifting the focus: Short to long-term

The average lifespan of a company is now under 20 years. Over 40 years less when compared to the 1950s. Disruption is common. No company is safe if they think they can do what they are currently doing and expect to live forever. They need to be constantly looking to the future. Take Uber for […]

Has socially responsible marketing gone too far?

Has socially responsible marketing gone too far?

I’m sure I’m not alone in noticing that brands are rushing in bigger numbers to attach themselves to the latest worthy cause or issue in the hope that we think better of them by association, rather than selling themselves on any worthwhile brand benefits. But this really did become apparent when judging the Direct category […]

How to revive the Wimpy brand on the busy UK high street

How to revive the Wimpy brand on the busy UK high street

With the news that Wimpy is planning a comeback, expanding beyond today’s 80 UK restaurants, Campaign asks where it can sit. Bestride the golden arches of McDonald’s, in the wood-panelled surrounds of Gourmet Burger Kitchen, or somewhere else entirely? Recently, the Daily Star reported that burger chain Wimpy was making a “shock comeback to our […]

How mindset mapping explains customer inertia in the energy market

How mindset mapping explains customer inertia in the energy market

Consumers know they’re being overcharged by energy suppliers, but the evidence proves that price isn’t a big enough motivator to switch, writes Soul’s planning director We shouldn’t be surprised with the government intervention in the energy market, introducing an energy price cap for standard variable tariffs. The root cause lies with customer inertia and wrong-headed […]

Don’t Bury Bhopal: a community seeks justice

Don’t Bury Bhopal: a community seeks justice

It’s one of the most horrific, haunting photographs of all time, and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. It’s the image of a partially buried, tiny child, her ashen face surrounded by stony soil as her dead eyes stare skywards and her father’s hand takes one last, tender touch. It was taken by […]

Bhopal disaster victims may never get compensation following Dow-DuPont merger, fears UN official

Bhopal disaster victims may never get compensation following Dow-DuPont merger, fears UN official

Baskut Tuncak is ‘deeply concerned’ about the merger between the two companies, which could obstruct justice for victims of the world’s deadliest industrial disaster The UN’s special rapporteur on hazardous substances and wastes has said that he is “deeply concerned” the merger between Dow Chemical and DuPont may erase any remaining possibility of the victims of the Bhopal disaster […]

Is ignorance really bliss for creative leaders?

Is ignorance really bliss for creative leaders?

When we launched Soul almost five years ago I soon realised that running your own, independent agency is a very different ballgame to working for others. It was very new to me to have full visibility of the business: how much you’re making; how much you owe; how much you have – or don’t have […]

Soul’s Ben Rachel: advertising should prize the ‘fifth P’ – predictability – above disruption

Soul’s Ben Rachel: advertising should prize the ‘fifth P’ – predictability – above disruption

Disruption has become one of the primary watchwords in modern marketing speak. There’s so much emphasis on the new and the shiny, on the world evolving at a massive rate propelled by technology. No wonder, then, that conventional wisdom has it that the brands and products that disrupt the status quo must be the ones that succeed.

Soul has been appointed by the ferry travel company Wightlink

Soul has been appointed by the ferry travel company Wightlink

Soul has been appointed by the ferry travel company Wightlink, one of the UK’s largest domestic ferry operators, to establish the firm as the preferred choice for trips between the Isle of Wight and the mainland. The agency was hired by Wightlink after a pitch and has been briefed with creating a new programme of […]

How our office disco loo boosted business performance

How our office disco loo boosted business performance

I’m a big believer that a workplace should both reflect and inspire the spirit of a business because it has such a fundamental impact on teams of people, quality of work and, ultimately, success and profitability.

Soul is an advertising agency based in London with a playful spirit and with people at its heart.